
Architecture and Application Development (AAD)
JTech's AAD practice focuses on every level of web application architecture and development. With a proven track record of delivering a wide array of solutions spanning web services, browser and mobile, JTech has earned a reputation for technical excellence.

Cloud Strategy and DevOps
JTech's CSD practice helps Clients navigate a rapidly-evolving cloudscape of providers and capabilities. Transitioning to and maximizing the benefit of the cloud is more than choosing a low cost vendor and virtualizing on-premise IT. It requires the kind of comprehensive DevOps strategy that JTech CSD provides.

Modified Agile Project Management (MAPM)
JTech's MAPM practice tailors a blend of agile and waterfall methodologies to suit a Client's projects, programs and portfolios. Too often traditional project management produces more process than results while agile methods shortcut necessary planning. In our experience it is a deliberate combination of both that is required to help our Clients succeed.

Risk Exploitation and Mitagation (REM)
JTech's REM practice is based on the premise that every business decision should be a calculated risk. JTech identifies, models and then quantifies that risk. We provide our Clients with the insights they need to make informed decisions that best position them to exploit positive risks and mitigate negative ones.